Hong Kong St. John Ambulance 香港聖約翰救護機構招聘 (12.16截止)



日期:2025年2月9日、2月16日、2月23日、3月2日 (星期日)
時間:0900 - 1730
上課地點:銅鑼灣大坑道2號  救傷隊港島總區總部
考試日期:2025年3月16日 (星期日) 上午9時

請瀏覽 https://goo.gl/rkXGBn 報名



  • Level 2 or above in 5 subjects in HKDSE or equivalent, including English & Chinese;

  • Good knowledge of computer software applications, including MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint; 

  • Proficiency in English and Chinese word processing skill;

  • Relevant working experience in clerical works is preferable.

Fringe Benefits
Mandatory Provident Fund scheme, annual leave, medical insurance coverage, marriage and compassionate leave.

Application Procedure

Applications with full resume with expected salary should be sent to the HR & Administration Manager, Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Headquarters, 5/F, St. John Tower, 2 MacDonnell Road, Hong Kong or email to hr@stjohn.org.hk before 16 December 2024.  Applicants not invited to attend for interview by 27 January 2025 may assume their applications unsuccessful.

(Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only)

🔻 Recruitment Day 最新招聘日